Welcome Message
I am very ecstatic to invite you to attend the first International Conference on Renewable Energy and Vacuum Insulation for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEBs) which will take place at London SOuth Bank University, London, UK. This one day international conference is a formal meeting of researchers and scientists with a shared interest on Renewable Energy and Vacuum Science. This international conference will also empower Japan-UK collaboration and bring discussions of the future research collaboration opportunity due to our mutual interest on scientifically contributing to the novel development of vacuum insulation and renewable energy technologies for NZEBs. This conference will enable us to develop a future joint venture of different approaches by working together and widening engagement in research dissemination activities between Japan and the UK.
This international conference is sponsored by:
Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation.
Vacuum Science World.
Institute of Physics Vacuum Group.
Hokkaido University, Japan.
London South Bank University, UK.