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WEDNESDAY, AUG 28th 2019  (10 am to 5 pm) (Refreshments and Lunch are included)

                                                                                                                                    EVENT PROGRAM

10:00-10:15 PM Arrival and Refreshment

Please arrive at sharp 10 am or before 10 am at the Reception of K2 Building on Keyworth street. The room K2-V114 is on the First floor, you can take stairs or can take the elevator and then turn right or follow the signs for the room V114. There will be refreshments ready.

Please sign the Attendance Sheet available in the Room V114.


10:15 AM – 10:29 AM  Health & Safety Announcement and Introduction to the Speakers

Dr Saim Memon

10:30 AM – 10:44 AM Welcome Address

Prof Hari M. Upadhyaya (Head of Advanced Materials Centre, School of Engineering, LSBU)

Prof Upadhyaya is a Professor in the School of Engineering. he is an expert in thin-film deposition using vacuum and non-vacuum based techniques towards photovoltaic device processing research and characterization; and pioneered the research in semiconducting junction memory devices


10:45 AM – 11:14 AM Invited Speaker: Dr Harjit Singh, Brunel University London, UK

Dr Singh is a Senior Lecturer in Built Environment Engineering and Energy at Brunel University London. His research focuses on various aspects of solar energy use in built environment such as vacuum insulation panels, Solar Collectors and energy efficiency in buildings.


11:15 AM – 12:00 AM Invited Speaker: Dr Takao Katsura, Hokkaido University, Japan

Dr Katsura is an Associate Professor at Hokkaido University, Japan. His research focuses on translucent vacuum insulation panel, heat pumps, HVAC, and thermal energy storage.

12:01  PM – 12:46 PM Invited Speaker: Dr Yueping Fang, Coventry University, UK.

Dr Fang is a Senior Lecturer in Building Services Engineering at Coventry University. His research focuses on thermal evaluation of advanced vacuum glazing and vacuum insulation systems and technologies through experimental characterisation and theoretical evaluation.


12: 47 PM – 01: 44 PM Lunch with Tea/Coffee Break and Socialisation


01:45 PM – 02:29 PM Invited Speaker: Dr Ali Radwan, Hokkaido University, Japan.

Dr Radwan is a Research Fellow at Hokkaido University, Japan. His research focuses on concentrated photovoltaic system, solar cells, vacuum insulation panels and thermal energy engineering.


02:30 PM – 03:14 PM Invited Speaker: Dr Issa Chaer, London South Bank University, UK

Dr Chaer is Director of Enterprise, School of Built Environment and Architecture at London South Bank University. His research focuses on energy conversion and energy management including CHP and trigeneration systems, refrigeration, alternative and renewable technologies to reduce energy demand and carbon emission within the engineering sector.


03:15 PM – 03: 44 PM Invited Speaker: Dr Carlos Jimenez-Bescos, University of Nottingham, UK.

Dr Jimenez-Bescos is an Assistant Professor in Building Services and Environmental Design at University of Nottingham. His research focuses on Indoor Air Quality and energy monitoring dealing with issues in health and well-being due to low energy approaches to construction in energy use, energy efficiency and the impact of policy.


03:45 PM – 04:14 PM Invited Speaker: Dr Anna-Karin Axelsson, London South Bank University, UK

Dr Axelsson is an Associate Professor at London South Bank University, UK. Her research focuses on several aspects of analytic chemistry, functional materials  and coating technologies.


04:15 PM – 04:45 PM Project Leading Speaker: Dr Saim Memon, London South Bank University, UK

Dr Memon is a Senior Lecturer at London South Bank University, UK. His research focuses on solar thermal vacuum engineering, smart windows, vacuum insulated glazing and various aspects of renewable energy systems.


04:45 PM-05:00 PM Closing Remarks


Please note the timings are scheduled at the best intention but slight changes may occur that could be due to unforeseen circumstances.

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