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International Conference on

Renewable Energy and Vacuum Insulation for

Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEBs)

28th August, 2019: London South Bank University, London, UK
August 28, 2019

Room K2-V114, K2 Building, Keyworth Street, London South Bank University, London, SE1 0AA, UK

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Learn from world-changing thinkers and innovators in the Renewable Energy and Vacuum Insulation community

A global challenge of increasing carbon emissions are generally acceptable and by now reached at an alarming rate causing fluctuating impacts on temperature and sea, levels. The Japan and UK are at the forefront having agreements in minimising carbon emissions from 1990 levels to 80% by 2050. Also there is a serious challenge particularly in the energy field of balancing the gap between peak-demand and generating capacity. In order to reduce such security-of-supply risk, retrofitting the buildings with renewable energy and advanced smart insulation technologies are a particular focus by reason of its considerable energy consumption due to space-cooling in Japan and space-heating in the UK than in any other sector. In spite of having a number of retrofitting measures and insulation technologies that have already improved heating/cooling systems as retrofitting measures, there is a scope of significantly minimising energy consumption with intelligent renewable energy systems and smart window technologies, such as vacuum insulation, that have significant scope of controlling the solar heat gain, reducing the heating/cooling loads, generating electricity with integrated renewable energy systems whilst reducing the heat loss through windows and fabric leading our buildings nearly zero energy buildings (NZEBs). The notion of NZEBs is to achieve an integrated approach of renewable energy, heat storage, intelligent energy systems and vacuum insulation technologies.


This international conference is a multidisciplinary forum of sharing the expertise and presenting the state-of-the-art research work in the form of presentations for the following themes.

  • Vacuum Physics

  • Building Integrated Renewable Energy

  • Solar Thermal Vacuum Engineering

  • Smart Windows

  • Vacuum Insulation

  • Building Retrofitting Technologies

  • Solar Collectors

  • Solar Heating and Cooling Technologies

  • Solar Architecture and Building Integration

  • Intelligent Energy Systems for NZEBs


Our Distinguished Speakers



Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
Vacuum Science World
London South Bank University
Vacuum_Group IOP
Logo Saim Research Lab
School of Engineering
DEEE Society
276-1718-SCH-ENG-Advanced materials rese
Combined Photos Daiwa Anglo-Japanese
Daiwa-anglo-japanese (13)
Daiwa-anglo-japanese (9)
Daiwa-anglo-japanese (1)
Daiwa-anglo-japanese (6)
Daiwa-anglo-japanese (17)
Daiwa-anglo-japanese (18)

Purpose & Opportunity

This international conference will also empower Japan-UK collaboration and bring discussions of the future research collaboration opportunity due to our mutual interest on scientifically contributing to the novel development of vacuum insulation and renewable energy technologies for NZEBs. This conference will enable us to develop a future joint venture of different approaches by working together and widening engagement in research dissemination activities between Japan and the UK.
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